How Old is N3on Streamer? Age and Biography Revealed

N3on Streamer
N3on Streamer

N3on Streamer, also known by his real name, Rangesh Mutama, is a prominent figure in the world of online gaming and streaming. Born on August 13, 2004, this American streamer of Indian descent has quickly risen to fame through his engaging content and charismatic online presence. As of 2024, N3on is 19 years old. This article delves into the life and career of N3on, exploring his early beginnings, rise to fame, controversies, and the impact he has had on the streaming community.

Early Life and Background

Birth and Family

Rangesh Mutama, known online as N3on Streamer, was born on August 13, 2004, in the United States. He is of Indian descent, which adds a layer of cultural diversity to his identity as a streamer. Details about his family are relatively sparse, but it is known that he has a younger brother who has occasionally appeared in his YouTube videos. This familial connection often adds a personal touch to his content, endearing him to his audience.


While there is limited information about N3on’s educational background, it is clear that his passion for gaming took precedence over traditional educational pursuits early on. Like many successful streamers, N3on Streamer began investing significant time and effort into his gaming career during his teenage years, balancing his education with his growing online presence.

Rise to Fame

Beginnings on YouTube

N3on’s journey into the world of streaming began with the creation of his YouTube channel in May 2016. Initially, his content focused on NBA 2K gameplay, which quickly garnered attention due to his skill and entertaining commentary. The niche yet popular choice of content helped him build a dedicated following, setting the stage for his subsequent success.

Expansion to Twitch and Kick

Building on his YouTube success, N3on expanded his presence to Twitch, a platform known for live streaming video game content. This move allowed him to interact with his audience in real-time, further enhancing his popularity. As of now, N3on has over 154,000 followers on Twitch and over 26,000 followers on Kick, a newer platform for streamers. His ability to adapt to different platforms and maintain a consistent level of engagement has been a key factor in his sustained success.

Content and Style

Gaming Content

N3on’s content is primarily centered around gaming, with NBA 2K and Fortnite being his standout titles. His videos often feature gameplay highlights, 1v1 matchups, and commentary, which resonate well with his audience. His deep understanding of these games and his ability to create entertaining and informative content have made him a favorite among gaming enthusiasts.

Commentary and Engagement

One of the defining characteristics of N3on’s content is his lively and often unfiltered commentary. This approach has a dual effect: it endears him to a segment of viewers who appreciate his candidness, while occasionally attracting criticism for his brashness. Regardless, his ability to provoke reactions and stimulate conversation has been a significant factor in his rapid rise to fame.

Controversies and Challenges

Viral Incident with Ali C Lopez

In May 2023, N3on Streamer was involved in a controversial incident during a livestream sponsored by fellow streamer Adin Ross. The livestream, which also featured Nico “Sneako,” took an unexpected turn when N3on made offensive and fat-shaming remarks directed at Ali C Lopez, a well-known blogger and TikTok celebrity. This incident quickly went viral, bringing a significant amount of negative attention to N3on. The backlash from this incident highlighted the challenges and responsibilities that come with having a large online following.

Handling Criticism

The controversy with Ali C Lopez was not an isolated incident. N3on Streamer has faced criticism on multiple occasions for his use of sensationalism and clickbait in his videos. While these tactics have contributed to his rapid growth, they have also brought scrutiny and criticism from both viewers and other content creators.

Navigating Controversies

N3on’s experience with controversies is a critical aspect of his journey, highlighting the delicate balance between freedom of expression and responsible content creation. The viral incident with Ali C Lopez, where N3on Streamer made offensive remarks, serves as a case study on the impacts of such behavior in the public eye. This incident not only attracted widespread criticism but also initiated discussions about the responsibilities of online personalities in maintaining respectful discourse.

Despite the backlash, N3on’s ability to maintain and even grow his audience base suggests a resilient brand presence. His handling of criticism, while sometimes seen as unapologetic, underscores the complex dynamics of influencer culture where authenticity and controversy often intertwine.

Building a Personal Brand

Authenticity and Engagement

One of N3on’s strengths lies in his authenticity. His unfiltered style, while controversial, resonates with a segment of the audience that values genuineness over polished personas. This authenticity extends to his interactions with fans, where he often engages in real-time conversations during live streams, making his followers feel involved and valued.

Strategic Content Creation

N3on’s content strategy includes a mix of high-energy gameplay, interactive live streams, and collaborative videos with other popular content creators. This diverse content mix keeps his channel fresh and appealing to a wide audience. His strategic use of platforms like YouTube, Twitch, and Kick ensures maximum reach and engagement, leveraging each platform’s unique features to his advantage.

Community and Influence

Creating a Community

N3on’s success can also be attributed to the community he has built around his content. By fostering a sense of belonging among his followers, he has created a loyal fan base that supports him through various phases of his career. This community aspect is crucial in the world of streaming, where viewer loyalty can significantly impact a creator’s longevity and success.

Influence on Younger Audiences

As a young streamer himself, N3on Streamer has a substantial influence on younger audiences. His journey from a regular gamer to a successful streamer serves as a motivational narrative for many aspiring content creators. His story emphasizes the potential of pursuing one’s passions and the possibilities within the digital space.

Financial Success and Net Worth

Revenue Streams

N3on’s financial success is supported by multiple revenue streams. These include ad revenue from his YouTube channel, subscriptions and donations from Twitch and Kick, and brand sponsorships. His entrepreneurial approach to monetizing his content has played a significant role in his financial growth.

Estimated Net Worth

As of 2024, N3on’s net worth is estimated to be between $100,000 and $500,000. This figure reflects his income from various platforms and sponsorships. His financial success at a young age highlights the lucrative potential of the online streaming industry.

Looking Ahead: Future Prospects

Continued Growth

N3on’s trajectory suggests continued growth in the coming years. His ability to adapt to new trends and platforms, coupled with his dedicated fan base, positions him well for future success. As the streaming industry evolves, N3on’s willingness to innovate will be crucial in maintaining his relevance and influence.

Potential Ventures

Looking ahead, N3on might explore new ventures beyond gaming. This could include expanding his brand into merchandise, launching a podcast, or collaborating with mainstream media. Such ventures could diversify his income streams and broaden his influence.


N3on, born Rangesh Mutama, exemplifies the modern digital influencer. At 19 years old, he has already made a significant impact in the streaming world, marked by his authenticity, strategic content creation, and resilient handling of controversies. His journey offers valuable insights into the opportunities and challenges of a career in online content creation. As he continues to evolve, N3on’s story will undoubtedly inspire many aspiring streamers and content creators, illustrating the power of passion, perseverance, and community in the digital age.

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FAQs About N3on Streamer

1. Who is N3on the streamer?

N3on, whose real name is Rangesh Mutama, is a popular American streamer and content creator known for his engaging and often controversial gaming content. He started his YouTube channel in 2016 and has since expanded his presence to platforms like Twitch and Kick. N3on primarily streams games like NBA 2K and Fortnite, and his dynamic and unfiltered style has earned him a significant following.

2. How old is N3on Streamer?

As of 2024, N3on Streamer is 19 years old. He was born on August 13, 2004.

3. What is N3on’s real name?

N3on’s real name is Rangesh Mutama. He has used his online persona, N3on, to build a successful career in streaming and content creation.

4. What kind of content does N3on Streamer create?

N3on creates a variety of gaming content, focusing mainly on NBA 2K and Fortnite. His videos often include gameplay highlights, 1v1 matchups, and commentary. He is known for his energetic and sometimes provocative commentary, which has attracted a large audience. Additionally, he interacts with his fans through live streams on platforms like Twitch and Kick.

5. What are some of the controversies involving N3on Streamer?

N3on has been involved in several controversies, the most notable being an incident during a livestream in May 2023, where he made offensive remarks towards Ali C Lopez. This incident brought significant negative attention and criticism. Despite these controversies, N3on has managed to retain a substantial following.

6. What platforms does N3on Streamer use for streaming?

N3on streams on multiple platforms, including YouTube, Twitch, and Kick. Each platform offers him different ways to engage with his audience and expand his reach.

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